Love and Work
A review of

Love and Work

How to Find What You Love, Love What You Do, and Do It for the Rest of Your Life

Your Loves Are Calling

by Allan Schweyer

In this heartfelt and deeply personal work – in many ways unlike anything he’s written before – Marcus Buckingham delivers his most impassioned and emotional plea for finding work, relationships and a life you truly love.

New York Times bestselling author and researcher Marcus Buckingham writes from the heart about knowing yourself deeply and following your true passions. He writes what he knows: His own remarkable successes, both professional and personal, have hinged on discovering and prioritizing his loves. Backed by cutting-edge research, he makes a passionate appeal to do what you love in a world designed to suppress – and separate you from – your true self. Buckingham’s insights prove powerful: While his previous books – such as StandOut and First, Break All the Rules – offered exceptional insights, this one exceeds them in its authenticity and potential impact. 

Know Yourself Deeply

Most people live their entire lives never understanding their own gifts, Buckingham believes. Systems at school and work intentionally treat people as interchangeable, encourage conformity and thwart people’s passions. Parents, teachers and managers push people to improve their weaknesses instead of growing in areas where they have natural strengths. This distracts people from their loves, and they gradually lose touch with what excites and fulfills them. Eventually, neglect causes these loves to wither and disappear.