MOOCs and Open Education Around the World

MOOCs and Open Education Around the World

Routledge, 2015 更多详情

Editorial Rating



  • Innovative
  • Well Structured


This compendium of 29 essays on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is useful and illuminating, but due to the nature of its construction, it can’t always flow smoothly: Very interesting chapters follow those that are solid, but less compelling. Because each scholar wrote his or her own chapter, the reader gains many independent insights, but some themes recur. A number of the authors have been part of groundbreaking educational experiments, and they continue to revolutionize higher education. As a result, getAbstract finds that this collection offers essential information for students, educators, educational administrators, and anyone interested in education, social change or cyber-culture.


  • Massive Open Online Courses are one solution to the demand for access to education.
  • MOOCs are the most recent development in the “open education movement.”
  • To provide open access to their classes, MOOCs must offer students resources, assessments, credentials and competencies.

About the Authors

Curtis J. Bonk is professor of instructional systems technology at Indiana University. Mimi M. Lee is associate professor of curriculum and instruction at the University of Houston. Thomas C. Reeves is professor emeritus of learning, design and technology at the University of Georgia. Thomas H. Reynolds is a professor of teacher education at National University in California.

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