Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges
Social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk has attracted more than 38 million viewers and her book is a New York Times bestseller. She makes a simple, powerful argument: your body language drives stress, anxiety, confidence, poise and intelligence. Her treatise on the power of body over mind will have you practicing your breathing, posing expansive ways and sitting up straight. Cuddy explains the science behind presence and how you can use it in challenging situations. As TED reports, additional research following Cuddy's book finds that studies disagree as to whether power poses affect hormone levels, though some studies find other benefits and the research continues. Cuddy’s insights continue to show you how to look and feel more confident.
About the Author
Amy Cuddy earned her PhD at Harvard Business School where she now teaches. Her TED Talk on body language and presence has had more than 38 million views.
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