Rewards That Drive High Performance
Success Stories From Leading Organizations
Tom Wilson’s premise: Employee incentives are just as important to corporations as they are to employees. Why? Because a company that aligns its own achievement with that of its employees is well on its way to success. Wilson uses a wide range of case studies to bolster his common- sense advice, including reminders that your employee rewards plan should be simple to understand, geared toward the kind of people you want to attract and should frequently vary. Even the most experienced manager can stand to learn a thing or two from Wilson’s keen analysis of Amazon.com, Southwest Airlines, Saturn, and a host of other successful businesses. getAbstract.com thinks that you owe it to yourself - and to your employees - to read this well-crafted book.
About the Author
Thomas B. Wilson is president of the Wilson Group, Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in the design and implementation of performance-based reward systems. Wilson frequently speaks at national conferences on how companies can use reward systems to increase revenues, enhance customer satisfaction, and implement strategic change initiatives. He wrote Innovative Reward Systems for the Changing Workplace, as well as numerous articles. He lives and works in Concord, Massachusetts.
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