The End of Tourism?

The End of Tourism?

The Guardian, 2020

Editorial Rating



  • Eye Opening
  • Visionary
  • Engaging


Many people in the developed world consider travel a worthy, or, at the very least, a benign undertaking. But according to journalist Christopher de Bellaigue, the world needs to wake up from its collective Instagram fever dream and recognize the damage tourism does to the environment and to the local economies that depend, to an unhealthy degree, upon it. The COVID-19 travel slowdown is giving people a chance to do just that, but it’s up to municipal and national governments to regulate sanity into existence.


  • COVID-19 hit the travel and tourism industry hard, but the pause provides an opportunity for change.
  • Venice is a compelling cautionary tale for how “high-impact, low-value” tourists can hurt a community.
  • Governments often see tourism as a quick way to bring in foreign money, but fail to consider inherent environmental and cultural destruction.

About the Author

Christopher de Bellaigue has reported on the Middle East and South Asia since 1994. He’s the author of The Islamic Enlightenment: The Modern Struggle Between Faith and Reason.