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The Internet Needs New Rules. Let’s Start in These Four Areas.

The Internet Needs New Rules. Let’s Start in These Four Areas.

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In an op-ed published by The Washington Post, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg calls for internet regulation in four areas. Perhaps he is pressing ahead to shape inevitable regulation in his company’s favor, or maybe he wants to ensure that others face the same scrutiny as his prominent platform does. Some commentators have accused Zuckerberg of trying to outsource the costs and responsibility for protecting the public from potential misuses of his platform. Regardless of his motives, Zuckerberg’s proposal for a new regulatory framework constitutes a sensible starting point for discussing the future of internet governance.


  • To protect the rights and freedoms of individuals and serve the public interest, internet service providers and governments must work together to enforce common internet standards in four areas:
  • First, future internet regulation must protect society from “harmful content” by setting common standards and holding platforms accountable for violating them.
  • Second, regulators must define what qualifies as political advertising and establish unified standards for verifying political actors.

About the Author

Mark Zuckerberg is founder and CEO of the social media platform Facebook.