The New Social Learning
A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media
In the afterword of this social media primer for the business set, authors Tony Bingham and Marcia Conner explain that they tried to walk a “fine line...between being alarmist and simply expressing excitement about the radical changes occurring” due to the array of social media tools available to businesses. The authors exude a quiet, knowing confidence that entices the reader. Here you will find instructive stories, ideas to reinvigorate a workforce from the ground up and talking points to address doubters’ concerns. The book simplifies some of the startup costs, both tangible and intangible, of implementing corporate change through social media, but it also details such initiatives undertaken by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and IBM. Bingham and Conner recommend their book to senior executives and managers because social media shouldn’t be separate from the inner workings of business itself. getAbstract particularly recommends it to human resources professionals and corporate learning specialists who might help provide social media on-ramps for their organizations.
About the Authors
Tony Bingham is the president and CEO of the American Society for Training & Development. Marcia Conner is a partner at Altimeter Group, a fellow at the Darden School of Business and a columnist for Fast Company.
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