Jack W. Plunkett
The Next Boom
What You Absolutely, Positively Have to Know About the World Between Now and 2025
Plunkett Research, 2011
Savvy investor’s big-picture guide to how the world will change by 2025
Corporate adviser Jack W. Plunkett compiles and publishes almanacs, such as the Engineering & Research Almanac and the Telecommunications Almanac. His long career of generating such overviews uniquely qualifies him as a specialist on the big picture. He mines his vast knowledge of how the world works now to suggest how it might work in 2025. Plunkett describes current conditions in research, education, nanotechnology, communications and demographics, and links them to underscore his belief that sustained economic growth awaits just over the horizon. However strong his argument, his grasp of the present sometimes dominates his idea of the future, and he may rely on factoids when a more unified narrative would be extra convincing. An optimist, Plunkett sees opportunity everywhere. Some might regard this as willful blindness, others as a precise guide to the next new thing. getAbstract recommends this far-reaching panorama to anyone deciding where to invest and wondering about the shape of things to come.
About the Author
Jack W. Plunkett, CEO of Plunkett Research Ltd., is the author of more than 30 books. He is an adviser to top corporations, consulting firms, universities and government agencies.
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