![When Oil Peaked](/summary-img/14796-JLFDZYCG.jpg?h=M&b=0)
Forecasting the date of peak oil production is serious business, and this short book tackles the predictive methodology, geology, economics and mathematics head-on. Princeton professor emeritus Kenneth Deffeyes presents the techniques used by petroleum geologist M. King Hubbert to validate his prediction as to when oil production would peak. Deffeyes, who worked with Hubbert, further validates Hubbert’s work, as he did in his earlier book, Hubbert’s Peak. He presents the pros and cons of various alternative energy sources, how oil prices contributed to the recent global recession and the status of the oil industry today. This is a technical book; Deffeyes is an engineer, geologist and oil heavyweight, and he makes detailed presentations requiring advanced knowledge not provided in the text. getAbstract considers this an important text and recommends it to people interested in the most rigorous assessment of future energy trends and climate change.
About the Author
Kenneth S. Deffeyes, a former researcher for Shell Oil, is professor emeritus of geology at Princeton University.
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Search for renewable energy should be treated as a global priority. Wise use of energy is responsibility of everyone and for survival of the mankind in the long run. We are running out of time