Big Business
A review of

Big Business

A Love Letter to an American Anti-Hero

Capitalism: Good

by David Meyer

Economics professor and prolific best-selling author Tyler Cowen makes an impassioned, reasoned argument in favor of big corporations.

Tyler Cowen – a professor of economics at George Mason University and bestselling author of, among other titles, Stubborn Attachments and The Complacent Class – presents a detailed, passionate case for the modern corporation. It’s a daunting task, but Cowen raises relevant points about the love-hate relationship many people have with corporate capitalism. There are two sides to every story, and you need to at least hear the arguments, Cowen maintains, even if you don’t agree with all of them. By the end of his book, savvy readers may have gained a greater appreciation for big business.

Unsurprisingly, The Wall Street Journal found much to love in Cowen’s perspective, saying, “Mr. Cowen’s book is timely, and his writing style is a refreshing contrast to the strident left-wing declamations that are so common today. He is calm and conversational, splashing cool water on the firebrands.” But The New York Review of Books wrote, “Cowen did not become one of the world’s most-read bloggers on economics without understanding the value of a well-timed contrarian blast.”

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