Bridging the Soft Skills Gap
How to Teach the Missing Basics to Today's Young Talent
Many managers complain that generation Z employees (born between 1990–1999) “arrive late, leave early, dress inappropriately and spend too much time on social media.” While acknowledging that it never serves to paint an entire generation with too broad a brush, Bruce Tulgan reports that supervisors often find younger staff members lacking in “workplace citizenship.” He provides easy-to-follow, short but detailed lesson plans to help managers train gen Zers in soft skills, like collegiality, “professionalism, critical thinking and followership,” If you want your 20-something staffers to get along with people, develop self-awareness and focus on others, you may need to teach them how. getAbstract recommends Tulgan’s pragmatic counsel to managers who supervise gen Z employees and to young employees and job applicants, as well.
About the Author
Bruce Tulgan is the founder and CEO of RainmakerThinking, a management research and training firm. He holds a fifth-degree black belt in classical Okinawan Uechi Ryū karate.
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