Compassionate Leadership
A review of

Compassionate Leadership

How to Do Hard Things in a Human Way

Enlightened Leaders

by David Meyer

Rasmus Hougaard  and Jacqueline Carter's worthwhile, fact-based manual helps leaders build compassion, wisdom, understanding and mindfulness.

Authors and consultants Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter detail how to carry out decisions that will change other peoples’ lives without sacrificing your humanity. They explain that today’s leaders must learn to handle the toughest chores – such as laying off employees – with “caring transparency,” “wise compassion” and sensitivity – and then they tell you how.

Wisdom and Compassion

Hougaard,  founder and CEO of Potential Project and author of The Mind of the Leader, and Carter, Potential Project’s North American director, recognize that leaders often must make difficult and unpopular decisions. Leaders may have to eliminate positions, cancel projects or criticize employees for sub-par performance. Leaders have always faced such challenges, but today – when employees expect a positive work experience along with their paychecks –  leaders also must demonstrate sensitivity and diplomacy, even when they are lowering the boom.

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