How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies
ISBN: 9781473676985
Pages: 228
Successful organizations create the right corporate culture and develop solid brands. Great organizations take the next step: they fuse their brands and cultures together, says brand leadership expert Denise Lee Yohn. She explains the chemistry of “brand-culture fusion,” uniting these two vital aspects to build synergy, energize stakeholders, and satisfy and retain customers. Yohn introduces readers to some of the world’s most successful companies and details how these firms embraced the challenges of brand building and culture and understood how to merge them. getAbstract recommends her well-researched book to culture executives, branding executives, business students, investors, consultants and entrepreneurs.
About the Author
Denise Lee Yohn, a brand-building leadership expert, keynote speaker and consultant, also wrote the bestseller What Great Brands Do. Her articles have appeared The Harvard Business Review, Forbes and Fast Company. For a free online Brand-Culture Fusion Assessment Tool, see http://deniseleeyohn.com/fusion-assessment.
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