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Surrounded by Bad Bosses and Lazy Employees
A review of

Surrounded by Bad Bosses and Lazy Employees

(or How to Deal with Idiots at Work)

Thomas EriksonVermilion • 2021

Behavioral Systems

by David Meyer

Thomas Erikson divides all people into certain types and applies those metaphors to understanding your boss and yourself.

When a detail-oriented introvert must collaborate or make decisions with a results-focused extrovert, problems arise – especially if one is the other’s boss. Thomas Erikson – author of the Surrounded By series – asserts (and asserts and asserts) that identifying someone’s personality type can help you communicate and collaborate with them. Armed with his often witty insights, workers can better interpret their bosses’ behavior, and bosses can improve communication and motivation.

Personality Types

To motivate, influence and inspire, leaders must engage the personality types on their team. Understanding and communicating with people who perceive and operate differently than you do improves the working situation for all.

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