Develop Your Company's Vision and Purpose
Tap into personal purpose to ignite a collective commitment to your vision.
Understand the topic by completing this 15-minute course.
Remember: knowledge is nothing without action.
Learn how to apply your knowledge by watching this video.
Step 2
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Step 3
Take Your Learning Further
Develop Your Company's Vision and Purpose
Dan Pontefract
About the Session
People will pour their energy into your vision if it aligns with their personal values and sense of purpose. Find out, together with award-winning author Dan Pontefract, how you can spread a stronger sense of purpose within the organization.
Dan Pontefract
- Speaking Engagement
- Workshop
- Consulting
About the Session
People will pour their energy into your vision if it aligns with their personal values and sense of purpose. Find out, together with award-winning author Dan Pontefract, how you can spread a stronger sense of purpose within the organization.
Dan Pontefract
- Speaking Engagement
- Workshop
- Consulting
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