
Meredith Wadman

8 Article

Novavax’s Long-Awaited COVID-19 Vaccine Authorizations Offer an Alternative to mRNA

European Commission and World Health Organization approvals usher in key addition to vaccine supply
Meredith Wadman
Science, 2021
8 Article

Where Are the Women?

Female scientists allege discrimination and neglect of research on women at NIH’s child health institute
Meredith Wadman
Science, 2020
8 Article

Daring to Hope

Patients thrill to reports of a promising antisense drug against Huntington disease, but no one is sure yet whether it works
Meredith Wadman and John Lehmann
Science, 2018
8 Article

Zapping Cocaine Addiction

Powerful magnetic pulses that modify brain activity may loosen the drug’s grip.
Meredith Wadman
Science, 2017