
Tom Peters


The Excellence Dividend

Meeting the Tech Tide with Work That Wows and Jobs That Last
Tom Peters
Vintage, 2018
7 Book

Thriving on Chaos

Handbook for a Management Revolution
Tom Peters
Knopf, 1987
7 Book

Circle of Innovation

You Can't Shrink Your Way to Greatness
Tom Peters
Knopf, 1997
8 Book

The Pursuit of WOW!

Every Person's Guide to Topsy-Turvy Times
Tom Peters
Vintage Books, 1994
8 Book

The Professional Service Firm 50

Fifty Ways to Transform Your "Department" Into a Professional Service Firm Whose Trademarks Are Passion and Innovation!
Tom Peters
Knopf, 1999
9 Book

The Brand You 50

Fifty Ways to Transform Yourself from an “Employee” into a Brand That Shouts Distinction, Commitment, and Passion!
Tom Peters
Knopf, 2000
9 Book

The Project 50

Reinventing Work: Fifty Ways to Transform Every Task Into a Project That Matters
Tom Peters
Knopf, 1999