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Nicola Twilley
How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves
The Boston Consulting Group
Paco Underhill
The Brave New World of Food and Drink
Björn Witte et al.
Michael Pollan
Oliver Franklin-Wallis
The Unstoppable Rise of Alternative Milks
MacKenzie Sigalos and Ashley Turner
Liu Sha
Who's Going To Win This Huge Market?
Ethan Brown
Daniel Aminetzah et al.
The war in Ukraine poses a looming threat to the worldwide food supply. Here’s what’s at stake – and what might be done to help.
Cyan Capital Research Group
And What Business Opportunities Result?
Geoff Colvin
The Brazilian Investors Who Control Kraft Heinz Are Applying Their Proven Formula to Construct a New Global Food Colossus. What Will They Buy Next?