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Rachel Slade
The Almost Impossible Quest to Manufacture in the U.S.A. (And How It Got That Way)
Molly Kinder et al.
Living and working with purpose in a transforming world
Te-Ping Chen
New data shows that people who log on from home five days a week get fewer promotions and less mentoring than people in the office
World Economic Forum and Capgemini
John Lettieri et al.
How a new place-based, high-skilled visa can help revive growth in the American Heartland
AJ Eckstein
John O'Leary et al.
Grow the economy by bridging the skills gap
Kweilin Ellingrud et al.
Cengage Group
AI Joins the Workforce
Andrew Deck
The global labor force of outsourced and contract workers are early adopters of generative AI — and the most at risk