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Christopher Kinnear
Strategies, Data, + Insights for Global Leaders
Rob Prazmark
The Birth of Megasports Sponsorships
Og Mandino
Philip Squire
Develop the Sales Values Which Deliver Competitive Advantage
Brandon Bornancin
The World's Top Salespeople Share Their Secrets to Success
Michael Hageloh
How Apple Used Words, Music, and Performance to Build the World’s Best Sales Machine
Walter A. Friedman
The Transformation of Selling in America
Tom Sant
What Dale Carnegie, John Patterson, Elmer Wheeler, and Joe Girard Can Teach You About Real Sales Success
Joseph Callaway and JoAnn Callaway
The Two Word Miracle
Gillian Hennessy-Ortega
The Success Secrets of a Top Member of the Mary Kay Independent Sales Force
Robert L. Shook
From the World's Best Salespeople
Daniel H. Pink
The Surprising Truth About Moving Others