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Sarah E. Igo
Who gets to keep a secret in a hyperconnected world?
William J. McGee and Ganesh Sitaraman
A New Approach to Regulating the Airline Industry
Kirsten Rulf et al.
Balázs Zoletnik et al.
Barry C. Lynn
The Global Fight Against Corporate Concentration
Jennifer Taub
The Shocking Injustice and Unseen Cost of White Collar Crime
John C. Coffee, Jr.
The Crisis of Underenforcement
Kristin Toussaint
If we want to get past “woke capitalism,” this is what it’ll take to get companies to an equitable relationship with both workers and society.
Tim Wu
Antitrust in the New Gilded Age
Jonathan B. Baker
Restoring a Competitive Economy
Lenore Palladino
Karel Lannoo and Apostolos Thomadakis
A Market Finance Action Plan