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Frederick P. Brooks
Essays on Software Engineering
Rich Karlgaard and Michael S. Malone
The New Science of High-Performing Organizations
Ann-Kathrin Torka et al.
Working in a team can inspire striving – or encourage free-riding. What makes a difference is how the teamwork is designed.
Steven Van Cohen and Ryan Jenkins
How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All In
Taha Yasseri
Derek Thompson
Companies need a new kind of middle manager: The synchronizer.
James Ashton
How the Leaders of Tomorrow Can Learn from the Leaders of Today
Julie Zhuo
By investing more time in three key activities, new and experienced managers alike can become better strategic leaders.
James Everingham
Patrick Lencioni
A Leadership Fable About Destroying the Barriers That Turn Colleagues Into Competitors
Kathleen K. Reardon et al.
Jane C. Hu
Groupthink can be stultifying. So how do the most successful groups elicit collective intelligence from their members?