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Susan Hyttinen and Elmo Pakkanen
A complete guide to the rules of VC
Chris Morran and Daniel Petty
CB Insights
Richard Thompson
Building International Business
David Gladstone and Laura Gladstone
The Complete Handbook for Investing in Private Businesses for Outstanding Profits
Paul Gompers and Josh Lerner
Nathaniel Arnold et al.
特伦斯·菲利普斯 以及 詹姆·迪比亚西奥
Elizabeth Zalman and Jerry Neumann
The Honest Truth About Venture Capital from Startup to IPO
Terrance Philips and Jame DiBiasio
How the globalization of venture capital is driving the next wave of innovation
Charles Duhigg
Even the worst-run startup can beat competitors if investors prop it up.
Antonio García Martinez
Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley