
CESifo Group Munich篇摘要

浏览所有CESifo Group Munich摘要

7 Report
Dietmar Fehr and Yannick Reichlin
CESifo Group Munich, 2021
8 Report

When the Market Drives You Crazy

Stock Market Returns and Fatal Car Accidents
Corrado Giulietti et al.
CESifo Group Munich, 2018
7 Report

How Do Banks Interact with Fintechs?

Forms of Alliances and their Impact on Bank Value
Lars Hornuf et al.
CESifo Group Munich, 2018
8 Report
Patrick Waelbroeck
CESifo Group Munich, 2018
8 Report

Firms and Collective Reputation

The Volkswagen Emission Scandal as a Case Study
Rüdiger Bachmann et al.
CESifo Group Munich, 2017
9 Report
Francesco D’Acunto et al.
CESifo Group Munich, 2018
7 Report
Giulio Federico et al.
CESifo Group Munich, 2017
8 Report

The Globalisation of Inflation

The Growing Importance of Global Value Chains
Raphael Auer et al.
CESifo Group Munich, 2017
7 Report
Sari Pekkala Kerr and William R. Kerr
CESifo Group Munich, 2016
8 Report

Curbing Corporate Debt Bias

Do Limitations to Interest Deductibility Work? CESifo Working Paper No. 6312
Ruud de Mooij and Shafik Hebous
CESifo Group Munich, 2017
8 Report

Who Has Terror Angst?

Perceptions of the Effects of Terror on the World Economy
Dorine Boumans et al.
CESifo Group Munich, 2016
8 Report
Dhammika Dharmapala
CESifo Group Munich, 2016