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Dan McClure and Jennifer Wilde
A Practical Guide to Powerful Innovation in a Changing World
Stephen Shedletzky
When Leaders Truly Listen, People Step Up
Behnam Tabrizi
A Leader’s Playbook for Perpetual Innovation
Loran Nordgren and David Schonthal
Overcoming the Resistance That Awaits New Ideas
Jamela Adam
Positivity is a virtue – but too much of it can be toxic. Here's how toxic positivity creates an unhealthy work environment.
Paulo Savaget
How the World’s Scrappiest Organizations Tackle Complex Problems
Jeremy Utley and Perry Klebahn
The Only Business Metric That Matters
Bruce Vojak and Walter Herbst
Strategies for Small and Medium-Sized Mature Enterprises
André Martin
Mauro Porcini
The Power of People in Love with People
Julio Mario Ottino and Bruce Mau
Augmented Thinking for a Complex World – The New Convergence of Art, Technology & Science
Christian Bason and Jens Skibsted
Stretching the Future By Design