What Plane Crashes, Oil Spills, and Dumb Business Decisions Can Teach Us About How to Succeed at Work and at Home
From MELTDOWN by Chris Clearfield and András Tilcsik Summarized by arrangement with Penguin Press, an imprint of Penguin Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.
ISBN: 9780735222632
Pages: 304
Former derivatives trader Chris Clearfield and management professor András Tilcsik assess modern systems’ frightening potential for failure, such as nuclear reactor meltdowns, transportation disasters, poor water quality and hacked defibrillators. They delve into what went wrong in various crises without being too technical. They spend two-thirds of this coherent, well-organized argument on research-backed strategies for addressing the risk of failure. A nuclear meltdown might not seem related to daily life, but these failure-prevention strategies apply to many issues. The authors provide tools for staving off disaster in complex environments.
About the Authors
Former stock trader Chris Clearfield writes about complexity and failure for general and academic publications. University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management professor András Tilcsik teaches organizational failure and disaster risk management.
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