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Larry Winget
Shut Up, Stop Whining and Get a Life
A Kick-Butt Approach to a Better Life
Wiley, 2004
Overhaul your failing attitudes with a no-nonsense approach to personal development, success, love, money, work and kids.
Imagine walking on the railroad tracks in a state of bliss, unaware of a train heading in your direction. Life feels good, albeit a bit empty. Suddenly, your big brother (the bully!) pushes you off the tracks with a hard shove. He hollers about your stupidity, laziness and indifference. In this fresh slap of a self-help book, author Larry Winget becomes your surrogate big brother. He delivers an unconventional helping of advice with punch, insight and a few well-deserved mental smacks. No subject is sacred. From religion to money, Winget gets into your business with practical, thoughtful suggestions. The text, which includes space to take notes and write down self-help action plans, is a workbook on motivation and drive. It works best when Winget advises you about employment, money and relationships. It’s less successful when he preaches about murkier issues of religion, spirituality and teenage sex. Even when he oversteps, Winget is entertaining and helpful. (Don’t miss the insightful, funny dedication.) getAbstract recommends this book to harried professionals, underachievers and anyone who needs a good mental thrashing to get up and get going. Now sit up straight.
About the Author
Larry Winget is known as "The Pitbull of Personal Development" and "The World’s Only Irrational Speaker." He is a member of the International Speaker’s Hall of Fame, and a popular public speaker.
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