Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de The New York Times.
Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff
Is There a Solution?
Matt Flegenheimer
The former first daughter is famous in her own right. Her TV book club is one of the few reliable paths to the best-seller list in a precarious industry.
Bryan Clark
Simple tips to break through your social anxieties and make real, genuine connections with others.
David Brooks
Adam Grant
Hannah Dreier
Hannah Dreier traveled to Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota and Virginia for this story and spoke to more than 100 migrant child workers in 20 states.
Ezra Klein et al.
The legal scholar Katharina Pistor examines the hidden legal layer propping up our modern economic system.
Robinson Meyer
Ezra Klein and Gary Marcus
The AI expert Gary Marcus asks: What if ChatGPT isn’t as intelligent as it seems?
Alan Satariano and Paul Mozur
The Disinformation Is Real.
Dana G. Smith
Smartphones, pings and Insta-everything have shortened our attention spans. Get some old-school concentration back with these tips.
Emma Goldberg
O escritório nunca foi uma solução única. Ele era uma solução única para alguns, com a expectativa de que todos os demais se encaixassem.
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