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George Kohlrieser, Susan Goldsworthy and Duncan Coombe
Care to Dare
Unleashing Astonishing Potential Through Secure Base Leadership
Jossey-Bass, 2012
Что внутри?
“Secure Base Leaders” provide security for others while encouraging them to take risks.
Business leaders should be “secure bases” for their employees – providing security and protection while challenging them to explore and take risks. Consultants George Kohlrieser, Susan Goldsworthy and Duncan Coombe urge leaders to remain calm in emotional situations, recognize others’ potential, stay positive and be accessible. The familiar theme that caring executives foster an engaged, committed workforce has been discussed in other business books. However, these authors take the concept further by adding examples of leaders who dared to make a difference and offering useful advice for developing new skills. getAbstract recommends their insights to executives, department heads, team managers and other leaders, particularly new ones.
About the Authors
George Kohlrieser leads the High Performance Leadership Program at the International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland. Former Olympic finalist Susan Goldsworthy owns the Goldswolf & Associates consultancy. Ashridge Business School teacher Duncan Coombe consults for the Fowler Center for Sustainable Value.
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